Darrera modificació: 2023-11-07 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat, Altres
Silleras-Fernández, Nuria, Power, Piety, and Patronage in Late Medieval Queenship: Maria de Luna, Nova York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, xviii + 250 pp.
- Resum
- Maria de Luna was one of late medieval Spain's most intriguing female personalities. In a period characterized by powerful male rulers, she combined patronage and a pious cultural program to extend her political power, both formally and informally. However, hers was a figure that did not challenge or undermine the image of the monarch, and instead completed it. Using Maria de Luna, Silleras-Fernandez examines the four pillars of medieval queenship: formal authority, family relations, religious patronage, and household and court through an exhaustive study of her letters and administrative and financial records. This book brings to light the potentials and limits of female power in Iberia on the cusp of modernity and adds to our understanding of queenship in late medieval and early modern Europe.
- Matèries
- Història - Política
Biografia Dones
- Notes
- Informació de l'editor
Trad. esp. amb addicions: María de Luna: poder, piedad y patronazgo de una reina bajomedieval, Saragossa, Institución Fernando el Católico-CSIC, 2012, 253 pp.
A partir de la seva tesi doctoral: María de Luna, una reina entre la piedad y el poder, UAB, 2002, dir. J. E. Ruiz Domènec.
- https://books.google.es/books?id=VFpBDAAAQBAJ&lpg=P ...