Darrera modificació: 2019-01-07 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Giralt, Sebastià, "Astrology in the service of the crown: Bartomeu de Tresbens, physician and astrologer to King Pere the Ceremonious of Aragon", Journal of Medieval History, 44/1 (2018), 1-26.
- Resum
- Bartomeu de Tresbens (fl. 1359–75) was a physician and astrologer in the service of King Pere the Ceremonious of Aragon and his son Joan, both of them keenly interested in providing patronage for astronomy-astrology. Tresbens dedicated a set of astrological treatises in Catalan to Pere. He was the author of the most outstanding body of astrological work written in the vernacular in the medieval West. However, it has scarcely been studied: only his longest treatise has been edited, though insufficiently analysed, whereas his other works remain to be researched. This paper outlines Tresbens' life and his relationship with the monarchy, and presents an overview of his works. Tresbens is revealed to be a distinguished individual whose case can help us understand the role of astrologers in medieval European courts.
- Matèries
- Astronomia i astrologia
Biografia Documentació Pere el Cerimoniós Fonts Català
- http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0304418 ...

http://pagines.uab.cat/sebastiagiralt/sites/pagines ... (preprint)
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